There is this great debate - perhaps you've heard of it - between working mothers and stay at home mothers. I'm not going to hash it out because I think it's ridiculous, but I'll be honest and say that I've got one foot in each camp. I'm a "work at home" mother. I have a job, but my job is out of my home. I shut it all down at precisely 2:26 each day when my brood jumps off the bus so that we can start the nightly shuffle to soccer and gymnastics and cheerleading and tennis and school plays. I'm so very fortunate that my career is flexible, and I really really understand how lucky I am to have the best of both worlds. I see how my true stay at home mom girlfriends are sometimes wishing they worked outside of the home, and I see how my working mom friends sometimes wished they had that chance to stay home. I see how my friends who struggle with infertility would and DO move mountains for the simple chance to BE a mother. In the end, no matter what your working status is, the bottom line is that we're all MOMS. We all love our little ones and big ones more than ourselves, and we'd all move the earth to do what's best for our children.
Having said that, every woman - mother or not - can use some tips to stay a little more organized, right? Today I'm sharing my own little secret weapon for managing my time each day. It's my daily sheet and I swear to you that my life is 1000% times more focused and organized because of it!
By taking just 5 minutes each morning to sort out the day, you'll find that your day is much more productive and leaves you with that much needed time to focus on yourself, or a little extra time to spend with your loves. Whatever the case, this will help. I swear. :)
This little worksheet is not fancy, but it's functional. It's broken down into 7 delicious sections to get you prepared for your day.
This is your task list for the day - the things you must get done TODAY.
These are your appointments for today. I've got 3 lines here because I never schedule more than 3 appointments per day.
How will you work on you today? This can be a workout, a meditation time, a book you're reading, or you can log the miles you walked. It's all about YOU!
Jot down those things you have to pick up today. I love the days when this section is empty. :)
Add the items from your daily cleaning here. If you break your home into zones, your life becomes infinitely easier by cleaning a zone a day.
I use this for notes from phone calls, and I also will use this to jot down my to-do's for tomorrow.
What's for lunch? dinner?
What's for lunch? dinner?
Think about it now so you aren't stressing at 5pm and the chicken is still frozen!
To access your very own copy of this little worksheet, just click HERE.
Happy Organizing!!!!
I printed a week's worth of these and am already feeling more organized! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteJennifer I'm so happy! I couldn't make it through my week without this little sheet. If you use it religiously, it becomes a dumping ground for all of the little things that run through your head - never to be forgotten again! XOXO